CS371g Blog 7

What did you do this past week?
For this past week, I finished up the Deque project with my partner. We had some trouble with our constructors as well as allocating memory so it took quite a bit longer than we hoped. However, we finished with a lot of spare time to double-check our code and optimizations.
What’s in your way?
I want to get started on the Graph project as soon as possible. Having already implemented a similar Graph in Java, I am hoping this project would not be too difficult. However, I do not want to eat my words later.
What will you do next week?
For next week, I will spend most of my time working on the Graph project. I will also be working on my group’s presentation and a lengthy technical report for Software Engineering.
What was your experience of stack, back_insert_iterator, and graph? (this question will vary, week to week)
Stacks are a familiar data structure from Java. It is pretty simple to understand in general, but the underlying fact that it is a “container adaptor” is a little confusing. And since I am confused with container adaptors, iterator adaptors are just as strange to me. I had a difficult time understanding back_insert_iterator, but looking over the notes and lectures definitely helped.
How are you doing and holding up? What’s been most helpful for you in terms of support at this time?
Hearing that the Graph project is easier than Deque and finishing up my SWE’s project, I have been doing much better. I am relieved that summer classes are coming to an end but I forget that the Fall semester is just around the corner, with classes that may be much harder (and hopefully not in-person).
What made you happy this week?
This week, I decided to make some delicious sushi with my life buddy. I love to cook so I like to try new recipes every week, but lately, I have been making the same things because of summer classes and less time in general. Even my life buddy has been complaining so I finally decided to make a new dish. Sushi was actually easy to make because it’s really just slapping together sushi rice, seaweed, and toppings. However, it is definitely easier to say than do; the first roll was questionable and squishy, but the second roll looked impeccable. The taste of a freshly made sushi was incredible and I have to try it again.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
For the folks with a Windows machine, my pick-of-the-week is the Windows Terminal. This terminal auto-detects all of the terminals that Windows uses, such as PowerShell, CMD, and Git Bash, and puts them all into one application. I mainly use the Windows Terminal now for all of my terminal needs.