CS371g Summer 2020: Hogan Tran

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in South Houston, Texas.
What high school did you go to?
I went to South Houston High School.
What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school?
I enjoyed drawing, sketching, and painting. I was also part of my high school’s math club, which was a lot more fun than it sounds.
Why did you come to UT?
Since I have lived in Houston all of my life, I wanted to explore other parts of Texas, starting with Austin. I have also always been interested in Computer Science, something my high school never offered. I heard that UT has one of the best CS programs in the state, so it just made sense to come here.
Why are you in this class?
I want to get a sense of CS in the aspect of the real world. I have only experienced CS through coding, languages, and theories, but never with others or in a community.
How much C++ do you already know?
I don’t know any C++, but I have experience in C, Java, and Python. I think C++ should not be too hard to pick up with the knowledge of C syntax and object-oriented programming languages.
How did you like the lecture?
I thought the first lecture went by very smoothly. The information about the class was clear as well as the introduction of the Collatz conjecture. The use of cold calling has me feeling a little nervous about the class because I do not believe I am as versed in C++ or CS as other students. However, I am glad it will help keep the class engaged and may help brush off the nerves of public speaking.
What made you happy this week?
I finally got to go back home after so long due to the quarantine!
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick-of-the-week is a website outlining key principles that every programmer or software developer needs to have. These concepts were first conceptualized by Robert C. Martin, which was later built upon by Michael Feathers. Five concepts make up the principles: Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion. These ideas are further explained in the article and are cited to be topics of a lot of programming interviews.